Hotel Fabiola Leysin -193 hotel bathroom prefab

Fabiola Hotel

193 hotel and modular bathrooms

The opening date of this hotel is scheduled for April 2023. BAUDET participated in this achievement by manufacturing and delivering 193 prefabricated bathrooms. Pods were delivered and then as with all refurbishment projects the pods were de-assembled and carried into the building where they were re-assembled once in the correct rooms. All 193 pods were installed by our partner Swisspool, well known for the professionalism of his team.
In the context of a refurbishment, this flexibility and ingenuity in the design allow an establishment to avoid a complete deconstruction which is too costly and not environment friendly.

The prefabricated bathrooms installed in the Hotel Fabiola are part of the STANDING range. With this range, the teams were able to construct a model complying with the style of the hotel.

The entire BAUDET team is particularly proud to have participated in the refurbishment of this hotel located in the village of Leysin, one of the highest villages in the Vaudois Alps in Switzerland.

Please take a look at some photos of our bathrooms and the construction site of the Fabiola hotel.

Our certifications

BAUDET pays particular attention to designing prefabricated bathrooms that comply with construction standards.


  • certified by the CSTB, our bathrooms meet all technical standards and certifications
  • our 2 construction principles have FDES (An Environmental and Sanitary Declaration Chart) certifying that our products are sustainable and limit their impact on the environment.


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