How reduce the carbon footprint on a construction site ?
Reducing the carbon footprint in construction: challenges and solutions
The building construction sector is the biggest consumer of energy and one of the bigger generators of greenhouse gases if we take into account both the emissions necessary at the preparation of a construction site the site and those which then persist during of the exploitation of the building.
In 2019, the building represent 68 millions of petrol tonnes, 130 millions of Co2 tonnes and 23% of national emisions. Numbers on grow of 15% since 1990 !
Evolution on carbon footprint on a site construction is more often a part of criterias for project owners decisions.
The construction draws in more 50% of wordwilde resources and need and are growing.
Ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your futurs projects exist, let’s sweep it that all together!
Build or renovate, the question to ask yourself !
The construction of a new building has a higher cost than that of a renovation. When you can save on concrete manufacturing, the carbon footprint is radically reduced.
On the other hand, a simple renovation is not the best choice when we take in account the energy impact during the exploitation. It is often preferable to opt for a heavy rehabilitation in order to avoid a construction site and to improve the building energy performance.
The raw material choice
85% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the manufacturing of raw materials.
The first material at the top of the list is the most common : concrete/cement. Alternatives are arriving on the market, including a new type of cement: Hoffmann Green. You also have the possibility of moving towards more environmentally friendly materials such as wood when it is managed sustainably way. It allow to reduce the impact of a construction site by 30% and also reduce the annual energy consumption during his exploitation !
For the prefabricated bathrooms, the metal structures are alternatives and allow to reduce the environmental impact.
Make the choice of a dry construction site
At the time where the environmental concern increases, it is urgent to think at a alternative to traditional construction sites. A solution more responsible is possible for any construction site. This involves the industrialization of part or all the project. The fact of manufacturing whitout water significantly reduces the impact of the construction site on the environment. Indeed, thanks to a dry construction site, reducing the needs resources during the making is possible by rationalizing quantities and materials.
Build of a appropiate maner and revirsible
Think the building, his use, optimise his surface to avoid the space lost seems necessary in order to build in a reasonable proportion and to avoid the usless energy expenses in the building during his exploitation.
To go further, It’s a priority to build of in a reasoned and intelligent manner anticipating future needs. A building is build to last, it is necessary that it can adapt to uses, and to the changing needs territory where it is located. A tertiary building could become a residential and the opposite too.
For further information:
- Towards reversibales buldings!
- How can the environmental impact of my project be reduced thanks to prefabricated bathroom pods?