Towards reversibales buildings !
BAUDET bathrooms: The reversible solution
We count more than 3.2 millions of vacant housing in France and more than 5 millions of m² of offices neglected, either 70 000 potentials housing. It become imperious to think our nex constructions so that they have several lives, several uses.
What is reversibility ?
We talk about reversibility when the construction is able to adapt it to many used (profesionnals, private, …) and to change function during his life. A student residence can thus become a flat’hotel or again offices, residential accommodation…
The reversibility allow to reduce the cost of transformation thus the used resources to make it. In the mesure where a building become adaptable to the changing needs of the territory, the life time of this one is increase thanks to reversibility.
Why built reversibale ?
Accoriding to Patrick Rubin, architect at CANAL Architecture, « If we anticipate at the origin the posibility of a building had many lifes, we win the price of building on his duration, over all the frequencies of its life. We build it better so it can last longer. Concretely, if at the origin, the destination change of a building has been think and design in this evolutionary logic, this transformation will be technically faxter to carry out.
Furthermore, instead of rehabilitate an existing structure by transforming its uses, to built of revirsable manner allow from the start to economise during the futurs transformations and this on long term : this will cost clearly less expensif to transfom a building instead of destroy and rebuilt.
Beyond the financial aspect, the revirsibility has environmentals avantages. We know it, the build sector is the bigger energy consumers and one of more greenhouse gas generator. To built of revirsible maner is so a solution as the reversibility allow to reduce the quantity of use matter during the futurs transformations, thus the futurs needs of a new construction. It avoids a lot of garbage and waste of precious natural ressources.
Time saving, reduction of the carbon footprint, fight against the obsolescence of vacant buildings… The benefits of reversibility are not longer need to be proven!
Wich bathrooms for a reversibale building ?
Some espaces are simpler to transform than other : office spaces, empty living spaces.. Partitioning can be review and rethink easly when is anticipate. On the other hand, for the bathrooms, it is often a long and costly job to transform them, delete them and recreate them in a location more suitable for the new use.
It’s what for the prefabricated bathroom is the solution wich imposes itself when is question of reversibility for many reasons :
- Easy to move, simply remove the cover so the bathroom can be moved to a new location
- Easy to avacuate, simply to get out the prefabricated bathrooms module by through the existing exterior openings, to create one or even to dismantle the bathroom.
- Easy to replace, the solution of prefabricated bathroom can be integrate in renovation projects wall by wall if necessary.
Summary, the choice of prefabricated bathrooms is a coherent solution with the reversibale vision : a quick installation, a low carbon impact, limited nuisance on site and especially the possibility to move, to modify, to relocat the bathrooms as the buildings evolve !