Aléos Residences – “Le Lotus” at Colmar & “Le Rhône” at Saint-Louis

Manufacturing and delivery of prefabricated bathrooms for social residences

Since 2010, we had done around twenty social residence projects with Aléos.

Latly, we manufactured and delivered 53 bathrooms pods for the « Le Lotus » residence at Colmar ; open since august 2023. The inauguration of this residence also took place last october. The building, formerly owned by UNEDIC, has been completely rehabilitated !

If you didn’t know it yet, our bathrooms pods are suitable for both new construction projects and renovation like this.

« Le Rhône » residence at Saint Louis is also part of the last operations done with Aleos. For this, we manufactured and delivered 34 bathrooms pods.

It’s always a pleasure for us to particpate at different actions undertaken by Aléos, which conveys strong values. By placing people at the heart of their concerns, Aléos brings his contribution to social and solidarity practice in the broad sense.

A big thanks for the trust placed to each of those projects !

Type of project :

Construction & renovation

Number of bathrooms :


Architect :

Architectures Sébastien Arnold

Type of bathroom :