Legal Notice of the Baudet Website

BAUDET Legal Notice

Website Owner:

Rue Saint-Fiacre
85640 Mouchamps – France

Siret: 38419294400013
RCS: La Roche-sur-Yon B 384 192 944

Publication Director: Laurent ROUÉ

The publisher is committed to complying with all applicable laws regarding the establishment and operation of a website.

Website Hosted By:
LWS - France

Website Created By:
Communication agency in Vendée / L'agence H!
Web agency in Vendée / Agence UPMOTION

Liability Limitations:
The content of this website may contain errors and/or inaccuracies and/or technical or typographical omissions, which you acknowledge and accept by using this site. The information provided on the site is non-binding and subject to change without notice.

The information presented on the site is regularly updated. Therefore, BAUDET does not guarantee that all functions or certain pages of the site will be available without interruption or error, nor that the site or the server providing it is free of viruses or other harmful components. Under no circumstances shall BAUDET be held liable for incidental, direct, or indirect damages resulting from the use of the site's content.

This website may provide links or references to other sites not controlled by BAUDET. Consequently, BAUDET disclaims all responsibility for the content of these external sites and shall not be held liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use or reliance on such content, or from access to or the inability to access these sites.

Personal Data:
The information you enter will be recorded by BAUDET, analyzed, and forwarded to the relevant departments for processing. This information will be deleted as soon as it is no longer useful for our services or to address your request.

You have the right to access, modify, correct, and delete the data collected on this site under the conditions provided by Article 31 of the amended Law of January 6, 1978, on Data Processing, Files, and Individual Liberties. To exercise this right, please contact the site administrator by mail at the following address:

Rue Saint-Fiacre
85640 Mouchamps – France

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer. Some cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website; thus, we have already installed certain cookies. They help provide you with the best browsing experience and assist us in understanding how you use our site.

The title, design, and layout of the site, as well as its content, are the property of BAUDET. Any use of elements from the site, including reproduction, modification, distribution, or re-publication, without prior written authorization from BAUDET, is strictly prohibited and constitutes a copyright infringement punishable by law. Any request for authorization to reproduce any information contained on the site must be sent via email.

Un projet ? A project?