Melun Hospital, also known as the Santépôle de Seine et Marne, includes both a public healthcare facility and a private clinic. This hospital manages high demand for healthcare. The region indeed faces a shortage of both healthcare facilities and doctors. This building was designed by AIA Architectes and Besix. These firms contacted us for details of fitting our bathrooms in over 300 rooms. A total of four different types of bathrooms were installed in the hospital rooms. During the design phase for our bathrooms, we consider the surface area and configuration of the rooms while aiming to optimise the available space.
Number of bathrooms :
Prime contractor :
AIA Architectes
Type of bathroom :
Do you have plans in mind ? Do not hesitaste to give us a call or ask for a quote
Snaggings reduced by 80% and resolves the lack of qualified labor
less waste on site, less greenhouse gas emissions
Rue Saint-Fiacre
85640 Mouchamps – France
Phone +33(0)2 51 66 27 85
Fax +33 (0)2 51 66 27 63